Blockchain, Crypto and NFT’s, a New Game Changer in the Shipping Containers Industry – Part 2

blockchain episode 2 b

We were talking in the previous post about the Shipping Container Industry and that recently got infiltrated by crypto, blockchain and NFT’s that are helping the industry in different ways we cannot imagine. Maybe this is the future after all?

Not long ago, a few leading shipping companies and terminal operators signed an agreement, forming an alliance chain, build an open digital platform based on distributed ledger technology and develop the Global Shipping Business Network, also called GSBN. These companies are looking towards the future and we should know them by name: CMA CGM, COSCO Shipping, Orient Shipping, Yangming Shipping and Evergreen Shipping together with the terminal operators DP World, Hutchinson Whampoa, Singapore International Port Group Co Ltd and Shanghai International Port, as well as the software solution providers CargoSmart. The platform would establish a blockchain platform designed to connect all stakeholders, including carriers, terminal operators, customs agencies, shippers and logistics service providers, to achieve full collaborative innovation and digital transformation of the supply chain.

Port of Rotterdam Authority ABN AMRO and SAMSUNG SDS, the logistics and IT department of Samsung, have launched a project based on blockchain technology to use digitalization to achieve a greater and faster process transparency and efficiency. Their ultimate goal is to have a paperless integration of physical, admin and cash flows in the international distribution chain.

Blockchain Open Collaboration Laboratory ( BLOC ) announced they want to solve the traceability and transparency issues in the marine fuel supply chain through a consortium chain between Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, precious Shipping, Bostomar, BIMCO International Fuel Industry Association and GoodFuels. Blockchain technology can increase transparency and create better compliance and governance.

Although most of the shipping industry is absorbed by the blockchain and crypto appliances, some see the shipping container as valuable for mining and use them as facilities for cryptocurrency mining farms. Some crypto coins suck up more energy than others, for example Bitcoin consumes more energy than all Ireland itself, to the high-powered computation required to run it’s networks. Some companies are looking towards Shipping Containers as a solution for the crypto mining farms, that they can turn a 40ft used shipping container, refurbish it, and assemble a rig with computers and cooling system that can be also moved if needed, so now that’s a portable crypto mining farm. The whole idea is that shipping containers, are cheaper than building a hall or plant, they can be used and refurbished, so that helps the environment, and that way its mobile, can be moved if needed, so it’s not tied to any country or government, and it’s cheaper and more efficient and cost effective way to mine cryptocurrency. This helps to the idea of the future crypto mining operations that should be decentralized, mobile and independent from any single government, as well as placed in a region with a surplus of electricity production.

Not a bad idea at all, so we will see more and more blockchain technology is taking over some parts of main industries until they will be implemented everywhere.

If you’re looking for some cool NFT’s, check out this author and supporter AdyMKV and maybe it would be your next non-fungible token that you’ll love and own!

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